Here's our advocacy guide for activists who want to make change in Augusta and be an effective advocate for the issues they care about.

Episode One
How a Bill Becomes Law
How does a bill go from an idea on paper to becoming a real law? In this module, you will learn the basics of how a bill becomes law in Maine. We'll talk about who can write legislation, how committees work, the Governor's role, the People's Veto, and more.

Episode Two
How to Talk to Your Legislator
In this module, you will learn a few tools that will help you effectively communicate with your legislator. We'll help you guide the conversation so that you can express what you're passionate about, with a guided practice at the end.

Episode Three
Tracking the Issues
In this module, you will learn how to find legislative history, understand roll call votes, see sponsors, and see how your legislator is voting. You will practice navigating the legislative website and learn about resources that track the legislature’s actions.

Episode Four
Tribal and State Relations
In this module, you will experience a brief overview of the relationship between tribal governments and Maine's government, how and why the tribes are seeking sovereignty, and how we can improve relations and support the policy of the Wabanaki Alliance.

Episode Five
How Did It Get That Way?
In this module, you will learn a brief history of the Maine Legislature. Why is Maine the only state to have a People’s Veto? What is a “citizen’s legislature” and how does it affect who can afford to serve? What are Clean Elections and other programs unique to Maine?