High School & College Students

Dear students:
Interested in advocacy issues and getting out the vote?
We're working to build a diverse army of Gen Z, whose members are civically engaged and pumped to help GOTV in all elections. These students engage their peers to become lifelong voters and participate in other activities that strengthen our democracy. They take action on issues of interest and share opportunities to get involved that go well beyond voting.
Want to get involved?
High school students: Check out the list of opportunities.
College students: Check out the list of opportunities.
Allyson Gardner • allyson@lwvme.org
Maine Students Vote
Maine Students Vote is a network of student and civic leaders that are focused on increasing democratic engagement on college campuses and high schools in Maine. We support campuses and schools in developing voter education materials, organizational action planning, training and mentoring civic captains, and coordinating get-out-the-vote efforts. We have been on the ground since 2015, and work collaboratively with other national and local youth voting organizations.
LWVME Youth Council
A group of young people interested in democracy, who work with the League of Women Voters to organize their peers and take action. Learn more and join here.
Related links:
Teachers & Educators
Dear teachers:
How do we create lifelong voters?
We offer a wide variety of services and youth engagement services. We have developed curricula on a few topics that you can take, modify to suit your needs, and present in your classroom. We have developed a training guide for faculty who are interested in integrating democratic engagement into their classes. We can provide a guest speaker on a variety of topics related to democracy. For more information, Check out our full suite of services.
Maine Civic Digest
The monthly newsletter for Maine educators providing news, ideas and resources to help build a culture of youth civic engagement.
Subscribe to the Digest!Past Issues:

Maine Civic Digest for June

Maine Civic Digest for May
Dear community members:
Want to ignite youth engagement?
We can offer one-on-one or small group trainings to people who want to do third-party voter registration events or help others register to vote. We teach relational organizing centered around getting out the vote by teaching people how to effectively communicate within their personal networks. For more information, Check out our full suite of services.
Sponsor an intern! The most direct way to support our work is to help support the work of our interns. For more information, click here.
Allyson Gardner • allyson@lwvme.org
Maine Students Vote
Maine Students Vote is a network of student and civic leaders that are focused on increasing democratic engagement on college campuses and high schools in Maine. We support campuses and schools in developing voter education materials, organizational action planning, training and mentoring civic captains, and coordinating get-out-the-vote efforts. We have been on the ground since 2015, and work collaboratively with other national and local youth voting organizations.
Teacher Toolkits
We have developed curricula on a few topics that you can take, modify to suit your needs, and present in your classroom. Check out our full suite of services.
Related links:
Maine Civic Digest
The monthly e-newsletter for Maine educators providing news, ideas and resources to help build a culture of youth civic engagement, put together by the Youth Engagement Team. This team supports our work with young people and ensures that we can reach youth across the state.
Subscribe to the Digest!Find all past issues here.
Maine Students Vote
Maine Students Vote is a network of student and civic leaders that are focused on increasing democratic engagement on college campuses and high schools in Maine. We support campuses and schools in developing voter education materials, organizational action planning, training and mentoring civic captains, and coordinating get-out-the-vote efforts. We have been on the ground since 2015, and work collaboratively with other national and local youth voting organizations.
Teacher Toolkits
We have developed curricula on a few topics that you can take, modify to suit your needs, and present in your classroom. Check out our full suite of services.