What is a study?
Study makes action possible. During the study phase, members have an opportunity to examine the facts, along with key pro and con arguments. They are encouraged to discuss the political realities of action on that issue and to engage members of the broader community in the discussion. Study gives members the knowledge that makes League action uniquely credible. Learn more about the League study process here.
Voting Age Study:
How did we decide to start this study? This issue came to the League’s attention because young people are interested in voting. In 2021, a group of young organizers asked the LWVME to support them by testifying on bills to lower the voting age that they had submitted to the Maine Legislature (LD 706 and LD 1051). LWVME offered testimony neither for nor against because the board determined that LWVME doesn’t have a position on this topic. We then asked our members to help us determine that position so that we will have an advocacy position when the issue comes before the Legislature again.
Consensus Meetings
Consensus meetings gave League members a space to dive into the Voting Age Study. The Consensus Question Packet is an integral part of the LWVME’s latest study on the evidence surrounding a call to lower the voting age. While this topic often elicits an immediate opinion either for or against, we asked all members to approach this issue with an open mind and to carefully review the study committee’s research report and, time permitting, some of the suggested readings.
Read the Consensus Questions here.
Final Position
LWVME believes that voting in Maine elections is a fundamental right that must be guaranteed to Maine citizens 16 years of age and older.
Click here to read the full position.