LWV-Downeast hosts a monthly radio program on democracy in cooperation with WERU FM. This month, we'll talk about trust and distrust in government. What is the history of distrust in government in the US? How has it been weaponized in the last half-century? What do we lose when we have a blanket distrust in government: who loses and who gains? What motivates strategic attempts to weaken government? In what way is distrust a weapon in the arsenal of attempts to weaken or reduce government?
Special Guests:
- Amy Fried, John Mitchell Nickerson Professor of Political Science at the University of Maine. Her most recent book is At War with Government: How Conservatives Weaponized Distrust from Goldwater to Trump with Douglas B. Harris, August 2021.
- Steven Webster, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Indiana University. His recent book is American Rage: How Anger Shapes Our Politics, August 2020.
Find more information here. This show will be pre-recorded; no listener calls will be taken. Comments and questions may be emailed to news@weru.org with Democracy Forum on the subject line.
WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, streaming at weru.org