This month, we'll have a conversation on how the three branches of government check each other: executive, judicial, legislative. Why did it matter to the Framers, and why does it matter to us? Of what importance is mutual and self-regard among the branches: each branch protecting its own institution and backing up the other branches? Is the public one of the checks -- with political consequences creating a limit on extremism? Does it seem to be working right now? Why or why not?
Special Guests:
- Kim Lane Scheppele, Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Sociology and International Affairs in the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs and the University Center for Human Values
- Andrew Rudalevige, Chair of the Department of Government and Legal Studies, Thomas Brackett Reed Professor of Government, Bowdoin College
LWV-Downeast hosts a monthly radio program on democracy in cooperation with WERU FM.
Learn more here.
WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, streaming at