Phonebank for National Popular Vote

Hosted Virtually
Thursday, January 18, 2024
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

In two of the past six presidential elections, the candidate who won the most popular votes lost the election due to the electoral college. And in every presidential election, candidates are forced to focus their attention on only a handful of swing states, essentially ignoring voters in every other state in the union.

The good news? There's a solution… require electors to vote for the winner of the nationwide popular vote. And there's a chance to pass this in Maine in early 2024. The Maine Legislature will pick up a National Popular Vote bill, with bi-partisan support, LD 1578, in January 2024.

RepresentUs and the League of Women Voters of Maine are coming together to kick off the campaign to spread the word and alert Maine voters to this opportunity. Maine legislators need encouragement. So you can help by alerting voters and connecting them to their representatives. 

Here's everything you need to know:

When: 6pm ET / 3pm PT on Thursday, January 18th
Where: Right from your computer!
Why: To alert Mainers about LD 1578 and the chance to pass National Popular Vote

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