Youth Engagement with Peter Levine

Wednesday, July 29, 2020
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Peter Levine, an expert on civic engagement, will be joining our High School Engagement Project team via zoom for an hour-long conversation about youth voter engagement.  Space is limited - please register now.

Peter Levine is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship & Public Affairs in Tufts University's Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life. He has a secondary appointment as a research professor in the Tufts Philosophy Department as well as appointments in Political Science and the Tufts Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute. With Philosophy Professor Erin Kelly, Levine co-directs the A&S major in Civic Studies, which involves a substantial component of political philosophy and ethics.

Levine is the author of We are the Ones We have been Waiting for: The Promise of Civic Renewal in America (Oxford University Press, fall 2013), and the author or editor of eight other scholarly books on philosophy and politics and a novel. He has served on the boards or steering committees of AmericaSpeaks, Street Law Inc., the Newspaper Association of America Foundation, the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, the Kettering Foundation, the American Bar Association Committee's for Public Education, the Paul J. Aicher Foundation, and the Deliberative Democracy Consortium.