LWVPA Honors Ann Luther with Emily Farley Award at 2017 Annual Meeting

Thursday, July 4, 2019
Lorraine Glowczak, South Portland

The Emily Farley award was established over 15 years ago by the League of Women Voters of the Portland Area in honor of long time and highly respected member, Emily Farley. The award recipient must meet the following criteria that encapsulate Farley and her dedication to and passion for the League. The established criteria include:

1. Has substantially increased respect for the League of Women Voters in the community.
2. Has demonstrated outstanding leadership ability (motivating others, initiating new ideas and directions, taking risks).
3. Has demonstrated high standards of performance (thoroughness, reliability, attention to detail, organization).
4. Has shown deep commitment to the purposes and processes of the League.
5. Has given devoted service to the League.

It is without a doubt that all active League members carry within them a level of contribution in leadership that makes the League the success it is today. Without each person's unique ability, diverse impact, distinct passion, service and intellect, the League as an organization would not still be moving, shaking, and kicking as it approaches its 100th year.

Although today's recipient of the Emily Farley Award, whose commitment, devoted service, and outstanding contribution is leaps and bounds above the average, she would be the first to recognize in others their loyalty and allegiance. In fact, she would humbly state she contributes no more than others.

It was a little over a decade ago, when the League in Maine was faltering in many ways. Membership was dropping and as a result, there were very few active volunteers. It was during this time that this year's recipient took a risk and a job others refused. She became the State League President, gathering individuals across the state encouraging them to become members of the board. She did this, of course, using her sincere motivational skills. In doing so, she not only saved the League in Maine as an organization but she breathed life back into it, reinstating its original purpose and passion. It is highly probable this room would sit empty tonight if she had not taken that risk.

There are many people across the State of Maine who work closely with this year's recipient, and three of her colleagues - Alison Smith, Andrew Bossie and Jill Ward - shared some of their thoughts. They used the following words to describe her.

Competent. Masterful. Modest. Generous spirit. Respectful. Appreciative of others quirks and strengths. Encouraging. Purposeful. Compassionate. Determined. Unwavering dedication. Incredibly unselfish. Great intellect. Fierce tenacity.......and Poker face (It's a good thing.)

Andrew said that in times of challenge she is much like the captain of a ship. When the seas begin to get stormy and it looks as if the boat is in danger, instead of jumping overboard to safety, she uses her poker face and remains calm (even if she doesn't feel that way.) In doing so, others on the boat also remain composed + bringing the boat safely into land and accomplishing the task successfully as a result.

Alison stated, "I wish Emily Farley and this year's recipient would have served together. Nobody embodies the Emily Farley ethic as much as this person does."

There is one thing this year's recipient is NOT: manipulative. However, The Emily Farley Committee and the board members of the LWVPA used a little manipulation to invite our special guest to travel three hours from Trenton to be with us tonight. Under the circumstances, we hope that she forgives us. Congratulations to Ann Luther--the 2017 recipient of the Emily Farley Award!