Money in Politics & Ethics Testimony

Money in Politics & EthicsElections & VotingRacial JusticeData PrivacyGun Safety

Maine Citizens for Clean Elections

For any bills relating to the Maine Clean Elections Act (MCEA) and other campaign finance reform, we testify with our sister organization Maine Citizens for Clean Elections. Since 1995, MCCE has fought for, strengthened, and defended Clean Elections. We work to ensure that Maine’s campaign finance laws, elections, and government serve the public interest, both in principle and in practice. Learn more here.


= top priority bill



Public hearing in Committee

Work session in Committee

Last Action in House

Last Action in Senate

Last Governor Action

Signed into Law


Official Bill Title: An Act to Allow Candidates for Sheriff and District Attorney to Participate in the Maine Clean Election Act

Summary: This bill expands the Clean Election program to include candidates running for sheriff and district attorney. We know that Clean Elections encourages more people to run for office and allows them to serve without being beholden to big donors or special interests.

Our position: Support



Public hearing in Committee

Work session in Committee

Last Action in House

Last Action in Senate

Last Governor Action

Signed into Law


Official Bill Title: An Act to Amend the Laws Governing Qualifying Contributions of Cash Under the Maine Clean Election Act

Summary: When candidates sign up to participate in Clean Elections, they have to collect a number of $5 qualifying contributions before they can receive their funds. This enables candidates to go out in their communities, connect with voters, and demonstrate support for their candidacy. Currently, when a voter contributes a $5 qualifying contribution in cash, they have to sign a form as proof that they are donating this from their personal funds. This bill would eliminate that requirement.

Our position: Neither For Nor Against