Elections & Voting Testimony

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= top priority bill



Public hearing in Committee

Work session in Committee

Last Action in House

Last Action in Senate

Last Governor Action

Signed into Law


Official Bill Title: An Act to Provide Funds Necessary for the Production and Delivery of Election Materials by the Secretary of State and to Reconvene the Working Group to Study Polling Places at Schools

Summary: This bill helps to establish an ongoing fund to support the production and delivery of election materials, such as voter registration applications, absentee ballot envelopes, and other supplies. This bill also establishes a working group to study schools as polling places, in terms of safety, security, and accessibility.

Our position: Support



Public hearing in Committee

Work session in Committee

Last Action in House

Last Action in Senate

Last Governor Action

Signed into Law


Official Bill Title: An Act to Establish the November General Election Day as a State Holiday

Summary: This bill originally established November elections as a state holiday. An amendment was added to change it to a school holiday. The League believes that enacting a time-off-to-vote law is a better way to support voters in the workforce.

Our position: Neither For Nor Against



Public hearing in Committee

Work session in Committee

Last Action in House

Last Action in Senate

Last Governor Action

Signed into Law


Official Bill Title: RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Ensure That Only Citizens of the United States May Participate in Elections

Summary: The bill amends Maine's Constitution to specify that only citizens of the U.S. are eligible to vote in any federal, state, or municipal election. Noncitizens already are not permitted to vote in elections. Shifting the text of the constitution could weaken rights for eligible voters.

Our position: Oppose



Public hearing in Committee

Work session in Committee

Last Action in House

Last Action in Senate

Last Governor Action

Signed into Law


Official Bill Title: An Act to Change the Limits on Candidates' Communications with Voters at the Polls

Summary: This will would allow a candidate to orally communicate with voters the name of the office that the candidate is seeking and the candidate's party, as long as the candidate does not attempt to influence their vote.

Our position: Oppose



Public hearing in Committee

Work session in Committee

Last Action in House

Last Action in Senate

Last Governor Action

Signed into Law


Official Bill Title: An Act to Eliminate Ranked-choice Voting

Summary: This bill would repeal all laws that enable ranked choice voting. Since 2011, the League has endorsed and fought for Ranked Choice Voting. We believe it gives more choice to voters and eliminates the spoiler effect.

Our position: Oppose



Public hearing in Committee

Work session in Committee

Last Action in House

Last Action in Senate

Last Governor Action

Signed into Law


Official Bill Title: An Act to Allow a Political Party to Determine How That Party's Nominee Is Selected in a Primary Election

Summary: This bill would enable state political parties to determine if they want to use ranked choice voting (RCV) tabulation during their primaries, or replace it with another method, which they would determine at their convention. The League opposes this bill. From a practical standpoint, it’s better for voters and for election officials that primary elections be conducted on a consistent basis year after year. RCV is the system Maine people have chosen.

Our position: Oppose



Public hearing in Committee

Work session in Committee

Last Action in House

Last Action in Senate

Last Governor Action

Signed into Law


Official Bill Title: An Act to Improve Voter Confidence in Electronic Ballot Counting by Requiring Ballots to Contain Unique Identifiers

Summary: This bill would require that each ballot contain a unique identifier. Voting devices used in the conduct of state elections must be able to record the unique identifier assigned to each ballot and any votes cast for any person, or any question, on that ballot.

Our position: Oppose



Public hearing in Committee

Work session in Committee

Last Action in House

Last Action in Senate

Last Governor Action

Signed into Law


Official Bill Title: An Act to Repeal the Laws That Allow Same-day Voter Registration

Summary: This bill repeals same-day voter registration, which currently allows Mainers to register to vote or update their voter registration on election day. The League opposes this bill. Thousands of voters utilize this right, and taking it away would drastically impact voter participation.

Our position: Oppose