Peak leaf season is here for most of Maine🍂 and Election Day is around the corner. We're looking for dedicated volunteers to serve as nonpartisan election observers, join the "Yes on 6" campaign, expand Vote411.org election coverage, and be our advocacy bill tracker. Pick the volunteer opportunity that suits your interests and strengths. We hope to hear from your soon!
Election Observation
Expected Time Commitment: 1 hour training, 3-5 hours on Election Day
The League’s Nonpartisan Election Observation program will return to observe polling places around the state for the November election. As a League election observer, you will have the opportunity to be trained on what to watch for, and then observe the election process first hand at a polling place in your region. Observers report out on our fair and free elections and help resolve any issues that arise. Sign up for our training on November 1st here!
If you would like to be an election observer, email Will Hayward at will@lwvme.org.
Volunteer with the Wabanaki Alliance on Question 6
Help the Wabanaki Alliance by canvassing and phonebanking for the "Yes on Question 6" campaign. Question 6 is on the November 7 ballot and asks voters if they support printing all sections of the Constitution, which previously excluded a section that referred to Maine’s tribal obligations. The League endorses Question 6 and supports printing the full Constitution. Click here to sign up as a volunteer.
Email Reese at reese@mainevotes.net for more information.
Vote411 Local Election Coverage
Expected Time Commitment: 1-2 hours a week
Some cities and towns have elections this November, and we’re working to cover them all in Vote411.org. Is your town election info incomplete or missing in the database? Have your local candidates failed to respond to our questionnaire? Help us to make Vote411 as complete as possible by reaching out to local candidates.
If you'd like to be involved in that process, please email Evan at evan@lwvme.org.
Advocacy Bill Tracker 👀
Expected Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per week
Our advocacy work is gearing up for 2024. The second half of the 131st Legislature starts in January, and bills have already been submitted. Our data champ will follow the bills throughout the session and plug them into our spreadsheet tracker. The spreadsheet tracks the status of the bills we watch, follow, and testify on. This work is vital for our advocacy team. If you're a nerd for spreadsheets and like a hands-on task, this role is for you. Must be familiar with google sheets.
Email Will Hayward at will@lwvme.org for more information.