As chaos swirls in Washington, a League study on proportional ranked choice voting (pRCV) might feel like distraction. But it turns out that proportional election methods may be among the best tools we have to address political polarization – at the national, state, and local levels. And we know that systemic change begins locally. We encourage you to register for one of the League's introductory webinars, which are scheduled for this week. Are you ready to give pRCV a try? We want to elect councils and boards that accurately reflect the whole community – and we know that you didn’t serve three pepperoni pizzas at your Super Bowl party, leaving the vegetarian minority to go hungry. The Study Committee has set up a sample pRCV election, designed to identify three pizzas that can broadly satisfy the participating voters Click here to add your vote, and then explore the round-by-round count to find out which pizzas are currently in the lead! Our Proportional Ranked Choice Voting (pRCV) Study Guide provides more details about how a pRCV tabulation translates ranked choice votes into proportional representation here: |